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Shotgun cartridge safety and protection

safety of shooting

The dos and don’ts of shotgun cartridge ammunition.


Shotgun cartridges should only be used in suitable, properly functioning firearms. ALWAYS examine the cartridge carton, where you should find an important notice identifying the appropriate gun, chamber length, the service pressure or European Proof Pressure, and/or a shot load and shot size

Use modern cartridges, including standard performance steel cartridges, only in Nitro proved guns. High-performance steel cartridges should be labeled as such and can only be used in steel-proved guns. Steel proved guns should have the words ‘Steel Shot’ stamped on the barrel and bear the Fleur-de-Lys symbol. If in any doubt about the suitability of the cartridges in a particular gun, please consult a Gunsmith or a Proof House.

If a gun fails to fire, keep it pointed in a safe direction and wait 30 seconds before unloading.

Do not expose cartridges to extreme heat or moisture.

Always use hearing protection – good quality ear defenders or ear plugs. Nearby onlookers should also be advised to wear appropriate protection.

Good quality shooting glasses will help protect the eyes and, if tinted lenses are used, can actually improve visibility in certain conditions.

Keep cartridges out of the reach of children.

Read “A Father’s Advice” and The Code of Good Shooting Practice.




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