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Eley Hawk is the first UK shotgun cartridge manufacturer to successfully homologate all their ammunition with CIP

cip accreditation

Eley Hawk, the UK’s leading manufacturer of Shotgun cartridges, is once again ‘Leading Shooting Performance’ by becoming the first UK manufacturer to successfully homologate all their ammunition with CIP via the Birmingham Proof House.

Demonstrating superior quality control and consistency in their ballistics, they’ve successfully completed their latest round of CIP Periodic Inspection Control tests, relating to their CIP homologation approval. 

CIP Type approval and Periodic Inspection Control is a requirement for all manufacturers in the UK, who wish to carry out manufacturing control by themselves. The UK is a permanent member of the CIP treaty organisation who oversee the harmonisation of ammunition and firearms standards for all members. 

CIP Homologation is the process by which the Proof houses assess a manufacturer and their abilities to produce ammunition to the CIP Type specification.

The process is carried out over a three-year cycle to ensure that the British Proof Laboratory is entirely satisfied with the process and procedures in place at Eley Hawk. It required the alignment of testing procedures, the digitalisation of our ballistics lab to ensure that the batch logs each output is stored in a reportable format. An extensive range of cartridges was submitted to ensure that the types of ammunition were all covered in the approval process. Each batch was tested by the British Proof Laboratory to ensure that the standards were met in full.  

Eley Hawk ensures quality control in their loading of ammunition by regularly testing each batch as it is produced. It is fired down a ballistics testing lab to ensure batch consistency in speeds, pressures generated in the barrel, ignition rates from primer to burn of powder in the barrel, and each batch is given a lot number to ensure record keeping and aid in the traceability of the contents.